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de Souza
S3 licensed
I blame the beta then.
de Souza
S3 licensed
Quote from MijnWraak :Anyone else get this?

Different resolution between Win and LFS?
de Souza
S3 licensed
Quote from TAYLOR-MANIA :Cheers all! I'm glad to be part of the team
I've had invitations from numerous teams (thanks anyway to those again) & I turned those invitations down for one reason or another, but when asked to join SRS i didn't really have to think twice.
I'm certain that it's the right team for me & i could tell immediately that it's got a good vibe about it...
Looking forward to being part of the team as it grows in talents & achievements (let's hope!), and I hope i can do my new teammates proud

You almost made me cry!
de Souza
S3 licensed
Old news, but welcome guys.
de Souza
S3 licensed
Why can't people understand this is the "free drivers list" and not the "teams advertises list"?
de Souza
S3 licensed
Quote from gezmoor :Which version did you watch? The "Directors Cut" version is far far better than the original cinema release.

The "Director's Cut".
de Souza
S3 licensed
Hmm I always wanted to watch Blade Runner but never did for whatever reason. A couple of months ago I did it, and I have to say that it is... ok.
I mean it's beautifully done, considering it's from 1982. But even though I enjoyed it, I found it overrated and Harrison Ford was the worst part by far.

To keep close to the subject, I watched Dark City these days. It was going pretty good but I thought the ending was crap. Worth a check though.
de Souza
S3 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :Thread tools - Subscribe to this thread


I knew that feature had to exist.
de Souza
S3 licensed
Cars are looking pretty nice so far in my opinion, except when you can see the wings proportions.

Just had to say something to get a subscription.
de Souza
S3 licensed
Quote from evilpimp :Downloading, can't believe I only just saw this. Stupid homework -_-.

See, can't be a good thing to study!
de Souza
S3 licensed
Hahah that was so funny!
de Souza
S3 licensed
Hahah.. aw... ok, you won.
de Souza
S3 licensed
That's not funny.
de Souza
S3 licensed
Nothing about me... and I did pay him!
de Souza
S3 licensed
Thanks everyone.

Welcome Mackie, hope you enjoy your stay. Don't worry too much about those things, can't be much worse than our other drivers...

@Mista: lol
de Souza
S3 licensed
Things weren't as good this time for me. Small bumps here and there at the begining, plus some stuttering (damn win update), plus early damage due to trying to avoid some tyres in the chicane and hitting the wall causing understeer.

That put me in a great battle with Jack (the McIntyre one), Zeug and Predrag that last for a loooooong time... Seemed like no matter how hard I pushed and pulled away, they were there again haunting me at no time.
At this point I must apologize for the contact with Predrag... I was drafting him and he took the outside line after the s/f line, so I went on the inside. But suddenly his car appeared right where I was trying to go, tried to brake but it was too late. I blame lag. (I believe Zeug was behind me at this point so he should have had a better view)

After this I managed to catch and pass Zeug and Jack again, and build some safe gap untill the pit... wich was catastrophic! Fist I missed the spot, and then it took almost a minute to fix the damage and change tyres...

Got back behind Niall Murray (took over from Jack) and Zeug. I was pushing like hell at this point, and managed to pass Niall after some laps chasing him. I knew it was impossible to catch Zeug (gap was almost 40s). It came down to around 30s, and then the server died. :P

Edit - forgot to say two things...
1 - STD drivers were ok. Some were watching their mirrors closely and some not so much. A few (blue XRG with no skin comes to mind) were very undecided what to do when we were lapping, but no major problems.
2 - It's tied with Mr. Seidler now, we're gonna need another one!
Last edited by de Souza, .
de Souza
S3 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :That was a great 1 hour and 30 minutes event.

You were going to win. :/
de Souza
S3 licensed
Got a problem with the server?
de Souza
S3 licensed
Hi and welcome.

1) Bigger races usually mean league racing. Take a look at the League & Events section and see if you can find something you like. There are some special events (example) people do once in a while as well that generally have a higher standart of racing than pick-up servers (by higher I mean better, not necessarily faster).
Most of the online traffic happens at Europe's afternoon and night, the time we in America are generally working.

2) I don't know any company that has a LFS team. The teams are just gaming "clans", so to speak (the ones I know anyway). Sure there are some very stable and well structured teams that will provide you with plenty of servers, knowledge, etc... but they just online racing teams.
And yes they generally pick drivers based on his speed. Consistency is important as well, and I wouldn't exclude clean/fair driving and friendlyness (does that word even exist?).

3) Yes generally on the racing itself, setups and skins. Some teams are more about friendship than anything else, but they're not very common. I'm not sure about hardware, there isn't really money involved in a LFS online "career" (I think) apart from renting servers and stuff like that.

4) If you're in a team, probably.

5) Eh?

I guess you could have posted in the General Discussion forum, but not a biggie. And about the invites, try to get yourself in the servers first, and find some people you enjoy racing with. Invites will come naturally if you have the qualities.
de Souza
S3 licensed
Ok I've changed my car to XRT, so Zeug can have some competition.
de Souza
S3 licensed
Couldn't reproduce it now.
de Souza
S3 licensed
Quote from J@tko :Erm, no because of the LFSTV Director.

Can you be SRS2 or something like that please?

I already changed my team name too.

Quote from zeugnimod :Boooo, I wanted to beat you this time.

Yeah I'd like to see that, but from all cars the XRG seems to be the only one I can have some fun with in this boooring track.
de Souza
S3 licensed
Quote from J@tko :We can learn 3 things from that video:
  1. De souza doesn't use ABS
  2. Mike needs to work on his J-Turns
  3. de Souza obviously didn't win that race otherwise they'd have shown the end
Nice work, good little vid

1. Sometimes
3. But it was against the legendary BigTime!
de Souza
S3 licensed
Full Name(s): Eduardo de Souza
Username(s): de Souza
Team Name: Sim Racing Society 1
Team Tag: [SRS1]
Car: XRT
Last edited by de Souza, . Reason : Changed the car. :)